Model Exhibition: Tramway & Light Railway Society
The Tramway & Light Railway Society will be exhibiting their model trams and light rail in Seaton Station.
This free exhibition will be on display in Seaton Station. Come and see some of the society's great tramways and light rail models, ask questions and maybe even become a member.
About the Society
The aims of the Society are:
- To bring together those interested in all aspects of tramways and light railways. (Note: the light railways covered by the TLRS are those which predominately run tramway-type vehicles, rather than, for example, narrow gauge steam railways).
- To encourage tramway modelling and to demonstrate such models, for example through participation in exhibitions
- To publish a magazine and other literature, and to maintain a library and archives of photos, drawings etc to aid members’ research, for example for modelling purposes
- To hold meetings and arrange visits for members
13th Sep - 14th Sep 2025
Seaton Station