TRAM 4 OUT OF SERVICE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE… but not for what you might think!
We have a little unexpected news this morning:
Tram 4 will not be entering service today. Our vigilant Inspector, discovered a tiny wren's nest tucked away under the canopy at the centre of the tram, right next to a breaker.
Male Wrens will usually build 5-10 nests and the female then picks her favourite of those and nests in it.
This means she liked tram 4 as a home, the most!
In our commitment to being a friend to our feathered locals, we'll be giving this new tram family their peace for now. We appreciate your understanding as we adjust our service to ensure the safety and comfort of our smallest passengers!
Tram 16 entered service instead!
11th May, 2024
by Seaton Tramway